The President and Provost then endorse projects based on project cost and other characteristics. Once the Board of Trustees determines final approval of the University capital budget in June, schools/units are notified of their final capital resource allocations. The Resource Planning Workgroup recommends to the President and Provost a set of capital projects for endorsement. Office of Budget and Planning designate(s).The Capital Facilities Workgroup includes: In addition, the Resource Planning Workgroup consults with the Capital Facilities Workgroup to inform and clarify capital requests. planning by State agencies, evaluates the feasibility and need for State facilities, and prepares documents in support of the Governors capital budget. The Resource Planning Workgroup will consider all capital requests and assess them against University priorities and school/unit strategies and resources. Any change of use within the existing Northwestern portfolio, such as changing administrative space to research space.Any master plan, feasibility study, or conceptual study that may result in a capital project.Any new leased space or leased space renewal.Any renovation, recapitalization, or demolition project with a total project budget over $100K.The operating budget allocates 6.7 million in 2024 and 4. Any new footprint construction project, including expansions The capital budget includes 1 million to fund predesign work.

Once a request has been submitted, the school/unit budget analyst will be notified. Capital requests should be submitted by February 24, 2023, using this form. Units exploring or implementing a capital project should submit a resource request. In addition, all appropriated and self-supporting units-including schools, units, and auxiliary units-that are exploring or implementing a capital project, regardless of funding source, are expected to participate in the Resource Planning Process. Schools/units should identify all facilities and non-facilities capital plans and requests for FY 2024 within the Resource Planning Process.

The Resource Planning Process comprehensively considers all capital projects and requests to ensure that all capital projects across Northwestern support institutional priorities and school/unit strategies. The process enables systematic prioritization of projects and requests and ensures alignment with University finances and cash flow.